MCs, rappers, lyricists, hip-hop artists, whatever you want to call them, first and foremost the ones i dig the most deliver their social/cultural commentary to a funky beat. a beat to which you can't help but get out of your seat and move your feet. secondly, the ones i dig the most don't spend the whole song rapin about how fly they are, or how tall their rims are, or how gold their teeth are, or how hot their girls are, or how deadly their guns are, or how expensive their drinks are, or how fashionable their cloths are, or basically how thug they are. that was original a long, long time ago. as in like a couple decades ago.
so with that in mind the next few week's posts will feature/highlight some of those artist who don't spend their whole rap trying to say the same thing in a new and clever way. these artists have something new to say, and they spit it in a completely unique way.
the first post in this series is dedicated to a small collection of artists from rhymsayers entertainment. rhymsayers is an underground hip-hop label based in minneapolis, MN, and is probably most notable for the duo atmosphere. though there are many artists on this label, i've only got time this week to feature a couple. however, stay tuned for future posts containing reviews of the new felt album as well as eyedea and abilities.
given that the "state of the union" address was last night, i feel it's appropriate to lead off with a few brother ali tracks, specifically "uncle sam goddamn". yes, Brother Ali is not actually a "brother". Yes, he is actually albino. and yes, that doesn't matter one bit...
uncle sam goddamn - brother ali
continuing with brother ali, these next few tracks show off not only his lyrical skill, but also his ability to disassemble/reassemble/retell a sociopolitical/cultural story.
truth is - brother ali
us - brother ali
next up is a couple atmosphere tracks. these first two are off the new album and are definitely a little dark.
your glass house - atmosphere
shoulda known - atmosphere
you - atmosphere
and the alternate video of you that i like better
and ending on a lighter note, here's a track off of atmosphere's free download album strictly leakage. this album is much lighter and funkier than the usual stuff they do as you can hear from the following track. enjoy!
domestic dog - atmposphere