Monday, November 30, 2009

The wait is almost over…

Lush Nectar closed its doors at the end of September and here we are at the end of November, with an opening date planned for mid December. can you stand it? do you have nails left to bite? anxious? well trust me when i say the wait will be well worth it. the new space is jam packed with schwank and you will soon be holding a tasty awesome drank. we’re about two weeks from opening and a little less than three weeks from the first blubeat in the new space. I’m well past excited for the new digs, but still a little hung up in that rock and roll, so here’s a few more of my rocky faves before we get into the beats.

metric - police and the private cuz it's been a while since i've listened to metric and this is a pretty rad track (thanks lindsey)

fiest – my moon, my man a cool song. i especially dig the vid as i’m often on moving walkways in airports, with headphones and a bumping track playing, and well, who wouldn’t want to bust into a moving walkway dance scene? right?

a couple TV on the Radio tracks next. though “young liars” is prolly my favorite i couldn’t find a decent version to post, so here’s a few close secondsees.

TVOTR – love dog – these guys simply must be experienced live

TVOTR – staring at the sun – an oldie (relatively), but damn. one of my favorite TVOTR songs.

LCD soundsystem – north american scum – another relative oldie, but that doesn’t diminish its radness. oh and here’s a live version that i like better.

LCD Soundsystem – big ideas – cause this track just gets you moving

spoon – I turn my Camera on dig pretty much everything these guys do, but especially dig the beat in this one

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