Tuesday, December 29, 2009

best of the best ofs…

yes, i know. “ofs” is probably not a word. whatever. anyway, here we are at the end of 2009, and to say a lot has transpired this year would be a grand understatement. from a black man being sworn in to the office of President, to a white Michael Jackson dying, 2009 has been anything but boring. in these final retrospective days of the first decade of the new millennium many folks are writing about the best (and in some cases the worst) things to have occurred this year. sometime over the next two days i will probably do the same by posting up my top favorite tracks of 2009. but not tonight. tonight my wife cut nearly half way through her index finger while trying to catch a falling knife. thus, after a trip to urgent care for 5 stitches, there is little time left for my personal best of list. so tonight i’ll be reusing and recycling some other best ofs to simply pass on a few of my favorite best of 2009 items.

first up is the “best use of facebook”, where apparently an escaped convict has been using facebook to taunt the police who chase him. yep, that pretty much sums it up.

next up is a very good, yet very lengthy “review of 2009” by David Barry. this isn’t your typical play-by-play review of the year. David Barry is a very funny story teller, so his review of the year is both informative and hilarious. it’s long, but well worth it. BTW, David Barry’s video blogs on the left of the page are also worth checking out.

craigslist puts together a best of post nearly every day, conveniently called “best of craigslist” . being that it’s probably scientifically impossible to whittle this daily list down to a best of 2009, i’ll simply leave it up to you if you would like to enjoy reading each day’s post. they are all hilarious reads so you really can’t go wrong with any (or all) of them.

next is pitchfork’s “top 100 tracks of 2009”. this is truly an exhaustive list. though you may recognize some of the tracks, more than likely you’ll be surprised by the amount of good music you’ve never heard of. until now at least.

lastly, i’ll leave you with a musical best of. actually this is more like a musical compilation than a best of. actually, it’s more like a collage than a compilation. actually, it’s just the year’s top pop tracks mashed together in a well produced song and video (props to dj earworm).

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