it’s about that time. about 10 weeks after the awesome, old, very small luscious nectar closed its doors to move across the street, we are days away from the more awesome, less old and much less small new nectar. thursday at 12am the first drinks will be poured, and thus, luscious nectar 2.0 will be launched. the new and dramatically improved LN 2.0 will include three levels, two bars, 1 dance floor and many, many more square feet of extra space. i spent a good part of the weekend working on the sound setup and it’s certifiably ready to rock. are you? i think you are. if not i challenge you to find an excuse not to rock. it better be a good one.
well aside from the nectar re-launch prep, it’s been a hectic and hazy week. but what week hasn’t been hectic and hazy lately? thank god for music. and thankfully there is a holiday break coming up so i can, well, catch up on more work.
well here’s some of the old and new music i’ve been leaning on this week…
my wife and i have known each other for over 10 years now. a few years after we started dating we broke up for a short spell. it was a terribly difficult time, and i’m thankful we pulled through it intact. about two years prior i had purchased this track by Phoenix (in 2000), but really didn’t know why. i never played it in any of my gigs but was still intrigued by it. most of the time i’m drawn to music based on the sound and not the lyrics. to me the vocal element of a song is more like another instrument, like the guitar, bass or drums. with this track it was the opposite as i was drawn to the lyrics. the music, though good, wasn’t really my style. as i mentioned, a few years after purchasing it my wife and i (girlfriend at the time) broke up and i dug this track out and made it the leadoff batter in a mix CD i made for her.
i had completely forgotten about Phoenix until i recently caught my local college radio station rockin their new stuff. so first here’s “if i ever feel better” from 2000, and then “1901” from 2009.
and a live version of 1901 on letterman
having grown up in an evangelical christian home, i learned to fear the rapture. even to this day, when i can’t find someone who was just there a moment ago, my first thought is that i missed it. actually the true monologue goes something like, “aw godamnit!!! [insert missing persons name] where are you? this better not be the [insert colorful adjective of your choice] rapture.” eventually the missing person shows up, and i am again reminded that i need to seek therapy for my christian upbringing. the point of this story is that i feel conflicted about the fact that i both fear the christian rapture, and enjoy the rock rapture. the next time you see me please feel free to donate to my therapy fund.
house of jealous lovers – the rapture
these next two vids are not actually songs, but demonstrations of the next version of the software i use along with some wizard hardware. i’ve really worked hard at being a good boy this year, so hopefully santa brings me some wizard hardware for christmas.
traktor scratch demo 1 - dj rafik
traktor scratch demo 2 - dj rafik
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